Sports Photo Day Instructions for Parents and Players
Picture Order forms are available for download on this website. To ensure a smooth, on-time photo experience we encourage you to decide what you’d like to purchase beforehand; complete the personal information and order sections IN THEIR ENTIRETY and decide your method of payment. Bring your completed photo form and full payment to picture day. Be sure to include the first and last name of your child's coach on your completed order form.
When you arrive on picture day, find your coach/team and stay together as a group. EAP Photo Day Coordinators will be actively seeking out coaches in accordance with our pre-designed photo schedule, and moving groups to the appropriate photo station when their turn comes up. Please be punctual, if not early! We recommend that you show up for photo day 15 minutes prior to your scheduled time slot. Your coach or the organization should have informed your group of their specific photo time. Since we have groups scheduled throughout the day, we cannot wait for late comers and stragglers. Your group will be photographed at your scheduled time, so if you don’t want to miss the groups photo – PLEASE be prompt!!!
If you didn’t complete your order form ahead of time or you forgot your form at home, please visit our sales table first to get an extra copy of the order form. At the sales table you can also view samples of the specialty items that are available for purchase. Our staff can also help you make selections and provide additional instructions for completing the form as needed. Once your form is complete, see a sales associate to process your payment. When we line-up the group, we’ll collect the forms from each individual as we take their picture. Make sure your child is holding their order form when they enter the photo area or they will not have their photo taken. If your player is only purchasing a team photo and not an individual, the player's order form is kept by the sales associate at the sales desk. Even if you’re not purchasing individual photos, we ask that you show up for the group shot.
After picture day, our Customer Service Department is available to answer any questions you may have about your order. Call us at (631) 476-0134 Monday thru Friday, 9:00am-5:00pm or Contact Us
Our goal is to make the picture day process run smoothly, efficiently and we want the kids to have fun!
To achieve this goal, please follow the guidelines above.