Dance Parent Videography FAQ's
How do I place an order?
Having trouble viewing your recital on your TV? Are there dancers missing on the screen?
Make sure your TV is set to wide screen as we film in a 16:9 format.
Stylistically how does EAP film recitals?
We keep all the dancers in the frame at all times. The only exception is for your tiniest dancers who get their moment to shine with a panned in closeup.
Can I order just my dancers routine?
Sorry but that option is not available for recitals. You will receive the entire recital from the date and time you selected on your order.
What is the refund policy on DVD's, EAP TV or Digital Downloads?
We do not issue refunds on any type of media purchased. All Sales are final.
What forms of payments does EAP accept?
Cash, Checks and Credit Cards (Master Card, Visa and Discover)
If I did not pay for my video at the show or prior to the show can I still purchase a copy?
Yes you can order HERE
Can I order recital DVD's from a previous year?
Yes you can order HERE
What is EAP TV?
EAP TV allows you to watch your recital on your i-phone, i-pad, android device after the show has been edited by EAP.
EAP TV is viewable on any internet ready device in stunning HD quality. For more information about EAP TV Click Here
How long does it take to get EAP TV after the recital?
EAP TV is only produced after the show has been edited by our production department. Editing of a recital takes approximately 6-8 weeks.
If I have a problem or questions about my order what should I do?
Call us directly at 631-476-0134 between the hours of 9:00am - 5:00pm Monday thru Friday. Our Customer Service Representatives have the most up to date information on your order so they will be able to assist you. Please do not call the dance school as they will direct you to us. You can also submit a Help Ticket.
If I don't see the answer to my question here what should I do?
Call our Customer Service Representatives Monday thru Friday between the hours of 9 am and 5 pm at 631-476-0134 or or submit a Help Ticket.