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School Photography FAQ's

How long do photo orders take to be processed and shipped?

Photo orders will be sent to the school 3-4 weeks after picture day.



How do students order their photos and specialty items?

Customized order forms will be printed by EAP School Photgraphy and sent to your school for distribution to students.

There is also a section of our website for photos and specialty  items.


What do you do if a student was absent on photo day ?

We always have a Retake Day for absent students so that each child has an opportunity to get their photo taken. 


How do parents have their child's photo retaken on Retake Day?

Parents should send their child in with the envelope of photos from the original photo day. They do not have to return the class photo. Write on the outside of the envelope "Retake.".  Retakes may be taken for any reason.



What forms of payments does EAP accept?

Cash, Checks and Credit Cards (M/C, Visa and Discover)



What is the refund policy on school photos?

Orders that are returned to EAP within 14 days from the delivery date of the order are eligible for a full refund on the individual portion of the package. We do not issue refunds for class photos or on the class photo portion of an order. If a parents is not satisfied with their child's photograph they can send their child in on Retake Day to retake their photo. There is no charge to have your child's photo retaken. If you need further assistance please call 631-476-0134 or email



If a parent did not pay for photos on picture day can they still order photos?

If a parent did not pay for individual photos on picture day don't worry. All students are photographed on picture day whether they have submitted payment or not.  If a parent would like to order photos after photo day, they may contact our customer service department or they may place an order HERE . Customer Service Representatives are available Monday thru Friday between the hours of 9am and 5pm at 631-476-0134 or you can email them at



If a parent has  a problem or a question with their order what should they do?

 They should call us at 631-476-0134 or contact us via email at
Our Customer Service Representatives have the most up to date information on their order so they will be able to assist you. 


If I don't see the answer to my question here what should I do?

Call our Customer Service Representatives Monday thru Friday between the hours of 9am and 5pm at 631-476-0134 or use our Contact Us Link

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